Each year Uppingham Cairo awards scholarships to children of exceptional talent joining the School into the Top Year (Year 6), First Form (Year 7), Second Form (Year 8), Third Form (Year 9). Scholarships are available in the following fields: Academic, Music, Art, Sport and Drama.

In addition, Uppingham Cairo awards Junior Sports’ Scholarships to candidates in the Eights (Year 4) and the Nines (Year 5) who show excellence in one of the following sports:

Tennis Gymnastics Basketball Squash Swimming Football

In due course, scholarships will also be available for pupils or joining the School at Sixth Form level (Year 12).

Scholarship awards may be made either for evidence of a high level of attainment and promise or exceptional specialist aptitude. Candidates are assessed through test, examination or observation and interview.

Uppingham Cairo is proud of its moral commitment to widening participation in the School, and applies Scholarship Awards in line with the policies of Uppingham School in the UK. To do so, we use as much of our funding as we can to enable as many young people as possible to benefit from an Uppingham Cairo education. For that reason, scholarship awards would not ordinarily exceed 25% of the fees.

At Uppingham Cairo a candidate may only hold one scholarship award at any one time so that they can specialise in their area of talent. This does not preclude them from participating in other areas of school life, however, the rich additional provision of each of our scholarship programmes requires pupils to manage their time judiciously within their field of expertise.

From September 2025, The Thring Award (our All Rounder Scholarship) will be available for Third Form (Year 9) pupils only. Additional scholarships will also be awarded in Textiles, Design and Technology for pupils from Top Year (Year 6) – Third Form (Year 9).

All candidates must be registered with the School prior to entering the scholarship process. Candidates are not permitted to sit scholarships in more than two disciplines.


Scholarship Dates for 2025 entry


Application Deadline

Examination Dates


12 January 2025

23 - 24 February 2025

Art, Textiles, Design & Technology

13 January 2025

3 March 2025


13 January 2025

6 March 2025


13 January 2025

27, 28, 29 and 30 January



30 September 2024

13 January 2025 for agreed late applications

12 November 2024

Thring Award

13 January 2025

5 and 7 March 2025 (candidates attend on one day only)


Academic Scholarships

Academic awards are made at 10+,11+, 12+ and 13+ to candidates who distinguish themselves in the Scholarship examination. In due course, academic awards will be made to 16+ candidates who should be expecting to achieve '9' grades in most of their GCSEs and certainly in the subjects they are considering at A level. They will be aiming for A level grades commensurate with the level required for applications to a top university.

Full details are available in the scholarship brochures and candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves fully with the format. Candidates who wish to be assessed for an Academic Award must be registered with the school, and should then complete the short application form which can found below. Please select the correct form for the year you wish the scholarship to commence:

Scholarships beginning in September 2025 (Academic Year 2025-2026)

Academic Scholarships Top Year

Academic Scholarships First Form

Academic Scholarships Second Form

Academic Scholarships Third Form

Art Scholarships

Awards in Art are made annually to candidates who distinguish themselves in our scholarship examination. In due course, art awards will be made to 16+ candidates who should be expecting to achieve A* grades at GCSE level and be motivated and confident in a range of media. Portfolio work will be expected to contain evidence of creative endeavours outside the confines of GCSE coursework.

Full details are available in the scholarship brochures and candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves fully with the format. Candidates who wish to be assessed for an Art Award must be registered with the school, and should then complete the short application form which can found below. Please select the correct form for the year you wish the scholarship to commence:

Scholarships beginning in September 2025 (Academic Year 2025-2026)

Art Scholarships Top Year

Art Scholarships First Form

Art Scholarships Second Form

Art Scholarships Third Form

Drama Scholarships

Drama Scholarships are available for 10+,11+, 12+ and 13+ candidates. In due course, drama awards will be made to 16+ candidates. Drama Scholarships will be awarded to those candidates who have a passion for the theatre combined with outstanding acting ability or raw potential.

In return, we offer teaching and guidance from dedicated staff that have a wealth of experience. Applicants are expected to make a full and active contribution to the dramatic life of the school, by taking a leading role in theatrical productions and having a genuine interest in the Theatre and Theatre work. There is the expectation that Sixth Form scholars will study Drama as an academic subject at A-level.

Full details are available in the scholarship brochures and candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves fully with the format. Candidates who wish to be assessed for a Drama Award must be registered with the school, and should then complete the short application form which can found below. Please select the correct form for the year you wish the scholarship to commence:

Scholarships beginning in September 2025 (Academic Year 2025-2026)

Drama Scholarships Top Year

Drama Scholarships First Form

Drama Scholarships Second Form

Drama Scholarships Third Form

Music Scholarships

Each year, we will make a significant investment in scholarships for Music Scholars and we expect that many of our pupils go on to study music at leading universities or conservatoires. Successful applicants are offered free Alexander Technique lessons, assigned an in-house music department tutor and given free instrumental tuition on up to three instruments (the third awarded at the discretion of the Director of Music).

Full details are available in the scholarship brochures and candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves fully with the format. Candidates who wish to be assessed for a Music Award must be registered with the school, and should then complete the short application form which can found below. Please select the correct form for the year you wish the scholarship to commence:

Scholarships beginning in September 2025 (Academic Year 2025-2026)

Music Scholarships Top Year

Music Scholarships First Form

Music Scholarships Second Form

Music Scholarships Third Form

Sports Scholarships

Sports Scholarships are offered to candidates who demonstrate exceptional talent and potential in sport, and who can contribute to the life of our community and academies through high sporting achievement.

Potential sport scholars are expected to perform at a very high standard in their chosen sport(s) and to achieve a strong pass in Uppingham Cairo’s entrance Tests. In due course, at Sixth Form, candidates will be expected to have obtained a minimum three ‘7s’ and three ‘6s’ at GCSE.

Full details are available in the scholarship brochures and candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves fully with the format. Candidates who wish to be assessed for a Sports Award must be registered with the school, and should then complete the short application form which can found below. Please select the correct form for the year you wish the scholarship to commence:

Scholarships beginning in September 2025 (Academic Year 2025-2026)

Junior Sports’ Scholarships

Sports Scholarships First Form

Sports Scholarships Second Form

Sports Scholarships Third Form

Thring Scholarships (Third Form / Year 9 pupils only, from September 2025)

Thring Scholarships will be offered to candidates who possess qualities, skills and characteristics that make them stand out from their peers. Underpinned by their passion and ambition for school life, they will bring something special to Uppingham Cairo. They will be immediately recognisable as a young person who is both willing and able to take the lead, and in doing so can engage with, and set an outstanding example to those around them. This breadth of qualities may already be reflected in a position of responsibility that the candidate holds at their current school.

Full details will be made available in the scholarship brochure in due course, and candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves fully with the format. Candidates who wish to be assessed for a Thring Scholarship must be registered with the school, and should then complete the short application form which can found below.

Scholarships beginning in September 2025 (Academic Year 2025-2026)